Small steps today for a better quality of life tomorrow

Primary Care – Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle WA

Meet Naturopathic Doctor Cara Hartz

A lifestyle, a philosophy and a way to practice medicine

Dr. Cara Hartz is a Naturopathic Physician in Seattle who practices primary care medicine, with a multitude of sub-specialties.  She enjoys listening and engaging with her patients to truly know them and how they live in their world.  Understanding their everyday life dynamics helps her to support her patients holistically in setting their health goals, achieving them, and maintaining them. 

Seattle Naturopathic Doctor Cara Hartz’s focus is to identify both the triggers and obstacles involved in her patient’s health issues, which involves looking at past and current traumas, mental health, stress , sleep and the hormone influences, digestive health, and physical environmental factors such as various toxins or infectious exposures. Any or all of these can overwhelm the human body systems and be contributors to ” chronic illness”.  It is Dr. Cara’s mission is to identify and treat these causes, her passion is the process of supporting you at overcoming health challenges and living a more optimal life.

All Family Members

Sleep and stress management, Food allergies & dietary plans, Lifestyle modification, Parenting, Ehlers-Danlos & Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Dysautonomia/POTS

Pediatric & adolescent

Pediatrics- specialties concerns,
Adolescents- teen health concerns and
wellness or sports physicals,
, Autism Spectrum disorders and ADHD management

Women's Health

General wellness
Preconception and postpartum care
Hormone imbalances

Complex and chronic rare conditions

Lyme disease and co-infections
Acute and Long COVID illness
Autoimmune disorders, PANS/ PANDAS

Digestive Issues

Food sensitivity, Chronic yeast
Celiac disease, Crohn’s Disease
SIBO & Others

Environmental illness

Mast Cell Activation syndromes ( MCAS); Chronic allergies and Asthma; Mold and mycotoxin illness, multiple chemical exposures


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Your Health Starts Here

For all new patients, we are requiring a release of medical records for the past year from your primary care physician.